The University of Texas at Dallas
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Eugene McDermott Scholars
Helpful Hints

Consider the following tips as you work on your application for the McDermott Scholars Program at The University of Texas at Dallas.

  • You can submit your application at any time before the deadline.
  • Read the instructions thoroughly.
  • Read the entire application before starting it.
  • Look over all the questions early enough so you have time to consider your answers.
  • Have these application instructions open to refer to while you are working on your application.
  • If you find speaking easier than writing, discuss your ideas with someone, or record yourself talking through your answers, and work from there. You may want to write your answers in a separate document (keeping in mind the character limits for each question) and then copy your final answers into your application.
  • Consider what your most authentic “voice” is and let it speak in your answers.
  • There is so much more to you than can appear on any application, and you are more than the sum of your activities.
  • We recognize that learning, leading, and serving happen everywhere – including at home and at work – not only in the experiences typically mentioned in applications.
  • We recognize that people’s personal contexts, like family responsibilities or the need to work, shape their other activities.
  • Before completing the ACTIVITIES section:
    • List all your activities in a different document first.
    • Prioritize them and select up to 10 that are the most meaningful to you.
    • Consider including the activities that give a complete picture of your priorities, how your time as a student is usually spent, what you really enjoy, needs you’ve met in your communities, and what demands affect your time use.
  • The last short answer question on the application may be a good place to name anything you think is important for us to know about you that you were not able to mention somewhere else in the application.
  • Read your application to see if what you’ve included tells who you are and demonstrates that by what you do. Then ask someone else to read your application.
  • Proofread your application. Then ask someone else to proofread your application.

When you are ready to submit, keep a copy of your completed application before submitting it. After submitting your application, you will not be able to access it again.

students walking near the Love Jack