About Faculty Mentoring Events
Three Phases of Faculty Mentoring
Phase 1

Asynchronous and synchronous (also recorded) sessions on key things new faculty need to know when preparing for fall classes (e.g., course learning management system, syllabi requirements). These are accessible via Microsoft Teams and posted on the Center for Teaching and Learning faculty resources course in eLearning. You will need to have secured a UTD NetID to access these materials and recordings. These start in mid-July and continue to mid-August.
Phase 2
In-person, on-campus welcome and orientation session before the start of the fall semester. This session provides opportunities to meet university leaders and interact with other new faculty members.
View the Orientation Meeting Agenda. Registration is required for this event.
Phase 3
In-person and synchronous workshops on topics related to faculty development. These workshops will be held throughout the academic year and are conducted by the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Senate Committee on Faculty Mentoring.
Faculty development workshops are offered to ALL faculty throughout the year. These workshops are designed to enable faculty to better understand aspects of their role, improve skills and capabilities, and, ultimately, take control of their growth at UT Dallas.
Workshops are conducted in multiple formats and include invited speakers and panelists. In-person workshops are held in the Center for Teaching and Learning’s lecture room in the McDermott Library (MC 2.404).
Below are some of the workshop topics offered throughout the year. Please check the calendar with registration links for the schedule.
Teaching Effectiveness Topics
- Learning-Centered Teaching Methods
- Globalizing the Classroom
- Writing in the Disciplines
- Syllabus and Curriculum Design
- Assessment
- Instructional Technology
- Issues of Belonging and Respect
- Learners and Learning
- Teaching General Education Outcomes
- Classroom Management Techniques
- Professional Issues related to teaching
Faculty Career Development Topics
- Quick Start to Being a UTD Faculty
- Defining Research Productivity
- Tips on Grant Funding
- Myth Busters: Work-life Balance
- Building Research Collaborations
- Understanding Tenure and Promotion at UTD
Networking Opportunities
The Faculty Mentoring Program values networking as a crucial role in your professional success. In-person networking can especially help foster a stronger emotional connection to UT Dallas colleagues beyond your departments. We organize several social events throughout the year to facilitate networking opportunities, including coffee and chat, happy hour and an end-of-year celebration.