Lead UTD Testimonials
“I have been selected to be an ELATES fellow for 2021-22. Executive Leadership in Academic Technology, Engineering, and Sciences at Drexel is a national leadership development program designed to advance senior women faculty in academic engineering, computer science and other STEM fields into effective institutional leadership roles within their schools and universities.
“Because of your Lead UTD program, I was able to do a good job answering the questionnaire once I got nominated by Dean Stephanie G. Adams. This is a highly competitive program, and I am one of the 17 fellows who were picked for this year’s cohort. I owe a lot to you in terms of making me aware of the various facets of academic leadership. Until then, I was operating on instinct.”
Dr. Shalini Prasad
Professor and Bioengineering Department Head, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
2019-20 Cohort
“Lead UTD was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in my professional life. Perhaps what I learned the most is to look inward. I got to understand my own leadership style, and I am able to harness its strengths and recognize its limitations. Lead is about change and changing yourself so that you can be a more effective leader. I am really grateful to have been a part of it.”
Dr. Edward Lobarinas
Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences
2022-23 Cohort
“Lead UTD is an amazing opportunity for those interested in growing in their leadership and networking with impactful leaders. Dr. King is passionate about growing leaders while also helping attendees understand the who, what and why at UTD.
“I learned so much more about what happens outside my own area while also growing my own leadership skills. I expanded my network and met other leaders from other groups; I have continued these relationships, which have allowed me to connect and share ideas. I also grew my confidence in my leadership skills. These things combined have better prepared me for success in my role as Associate Dean.
“Thank you, Dr. King, for your dedication and leadership to provide this one-of-a-kind opportunity at UTD, and thank you, Provost’s office, for supporting of this program.”
Dr. Dawn Owens
Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, Naveen Jindal School of Management
2021-22 Cohort