Curriculum Vitae (Public CV) Templates
Templates for faculty CVs.
The curriculum vitae (from the Latin curriculum (course) and vitae (life) represents a faculty member’s professional achievements as it summarizes, often in chronological order, one’s educational and academic history, including publications, research grants, fellowships, relevant clinical experience, patents, licensures, consultancies, and exhibitions or other artistic endeavors.
House Bill 2504 requires the public posting of the curriculum vitae for all faculties engaged in classroom instruction. As such, CVs should follow certain guidelines, most notably the inclusion of professional information and the exclusion of personal information. Specifically, faculty members should not include home or other personal contact information, listing instead the university address, phone number, and email. Additionally, faculty should refrain from listing the names of their advisees in the curriculum vitae, listing that information instead in the annual report(s).
Information required by House Bill 2504 includes not only the curriculum vitae but also the centrally displayed course evaluations and course syllabi. All such information will be collected centrally and displayed through a single point of entry online. HB 2504 requires curriculum vitae to be current; local determination requires that the CV be updated annually to remain current. [On a related note, HB 2504 requires that the syllabus be available no later than the end of the first week of class; however other legislation requires that textbook information be publicly available prior to the beginning of the registration period for a given term.]
To simplify the submission of the CVs, faculty members may now submit their CVs at https://coursebook.utdallas.edu .
To facilitate the transfer of the information in the curriculum vitae to an electronic database, information should follow the prescribed format of the academic discipline in which each faculty member is engaged. As for the order of presentation, faculty should use the following structure for the sequence of the information within the curriculum vitae.
Example CV Structure
Department/Program, School
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 West Campbell Road, Mail Station __, Richardson, Texas 75080-3021
(972) 883-####
(or list the address for Callier Center, Center for BrainHealth, or other location as appropriate)
Educational History
- Degree, Degree Date (not just year; full date is needed for various accrediting agencies), Granting Institution, Location, Discipline
- Dissertation Title
- Include all earned degrees.
Professional Experience
- Include academic postings, clinical experience as appropriate, relevant professional experience.
- Sequence by date, with the most recent experience listed first (years will suffice).
- Position titles should be included.
- Institution information should include at least city and state or country.
Research Interests
- Use free-form text to outline areas of research, especially if they have evolved over time.
- This information may be useful in identifying areas in which faculty members are qualified to teach outside the academic discipline of the terminal degree.
Professional Memberships
- Include licensures and accreditations.
Honors and other Recognitions
- These may be grouped by discipline, institution, or type of award.
Awards and Fellowships
- Awards and other academic honors
- Include exhibition honors for artistic endeavors.
- Fellowships, including affiliated institutions
Achievements in Original Achievement, Investigation, and Research
- [Publications and other achievements can be used to certify faculty members to teach courses not directly associated with their graduate degrees.]
- Grants, including title, Principal investigator(s), funding source, period, award amount
- Federal
- State
- University
- Private sources
- Grants awaiting approval
- Books, authored or co-authored
- Books, edited or co-edited
- Short stories, essays, and other short literary works
- Exhibitions of artistic works, including film, theatre, collections, audio/video, etc.
- Juried
- Non-juried
- Journal articles
- Refereed
- Non-refereed
- Articles appearing as chapters in edited volumes, book chapters
- Conference proceedings
- Refereed
- Non-refereed
- Invited talks/presentations
- Refereed
- Non-refereed
- Papers presented at professional meetings
- Other written works
- Editorials
- Reports
- Abstracts
- Patents and patent applications
- Works in progress
Professional and University Citizenship
- Professional activities and committees
- Professional organizations
- Consultancies
- Departmental activities and committees
- School activities and committees
- Courses and other curricula developed
- University activities and committees
- [Do not include doctoral dissertation committees in the CV; that information should reside in the annual reports to protect students’ right to privacy.]