The University of Texas at Dallas
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Provost Staff

Administrative Support

Heather Burge

Associate Provost for Administration

I can help with: Office of the Provost operations, including policies and procedures; compliance; strategic initiatives and projects.

972-883-2173 | AD 2.108 |

Tara Major

Assistant to the Provost

B.S., Grambling State University, 1992

I can help with: Dr. Inga H. Musselman’s calendar, travel and correspondence as well as events or special projects that require her attention.

972-883-2508 | AD 2.108 |

Karra Shepherd

Administrative Assistant II

AA, A.L. Christian College, 1992

I can help with: Record retention, Administration Building (AD) building liaison and special projects.

972-883-2162 | AD 2.108 |

Rick Vacek

Communications Manager

BS, University of Illinois, 1976

I can help with: Provost website, Dr. Inga Musselman’s speeches, Academic Affairs stories and other content from the Office of the Provost.

972-883-2179 | AD 2.108 |

Global Engagement

Juan González

Vice Provost for Global Engagement

PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, 1991

I can help with: Global initiatives; UTD’s international offices, international agreements, partnerships and policies. Contact the International Center

972-883-2234 | FA 3.104E | jgonzal@utdallas.ed


Arnold Duenes

Project Manager/Construction

BSEET, DeVry University, 1991

I can help with: Academic Affairs space assignment and planning, Facilities Management engagement.

972-883-4598 | AD 2.228 |

Faculty Affairs

Stephen Spiro

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

PhD, The University of Sheffield, 1988

I can help with: Faculty hiring; NSF ASPIRE2 project; research space; TI-BMES building; faculty workload policies.

972-883-6032 | AD 2.104 |

Kaylon Emeary

Administrative Project Coordinator I

BS, Baylor University, 2013

Preferred pronouns: she/her

I can help with: Logistical matters and communications related to the ASPIRE2 grant.

972-883-2273 | AD 2.234 |

Kelly Barnes

Faculty Affairs Administrator

ABA, Miller-Motte College, 2013

I can help with: Faculty hiring.

972-883-4888 | AD 2.104 |

Amy Muniz

Faculty Affairs Coordinator

BS, Angelo State University, 2019

I can help with: Faculty hiring.

972-883-4109 | AD 2.104 |

Tandiwe “Tandie” Maithya

Administrative Assistant II

BA, Long Island University, 1996

I can help with: Academic Governance, which includes Academic Senate, Academic Council and all committees.

972-883-6894 | AD 2.228 |

Faculty Success

Francesca M. Filbey

Senior Associate Provost for Faculty Success

PhD, King’s College London, 2002

I can help with: Faculty Mentoring program, NIH FIRST program, post-doctoral fellows mentoring program.

972-883-3311 | AD 2.234 |

Meghna Sabharwal

Associate Provost for Faculty Success

PhD, Arizona State University, 2008

Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers

I can help with: Faculty orientation and onboarding; Faculty Mentoring Program; faculty exit surveys and interviews; Provost’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Mentoring.

972-883-6473 | AD 2.234 |

Teri Trice

Administrative Project Coordinator I

BS, University of Texas at Arlington, 2024

I can help with: NIH FIRST program and Post-doctoral fellows mentoring program.

972-883-3301 | AD 2.234 |

Vanessa Aguillon

Administrative Assistant II

BS, Texas State University, 1997

I can help with: Faculty orientation and onboarding; Faculty Mentoring Program.

972-883-4014 | AD 2.234 |

Faculty Review and Academic Administrator Review

Mehrdad Nourani

Senior Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

PhD, Case Western Reserve University, 1994

Preferred pronouns: he/him/his

I can help with: Promotion, reappointment and tenure; periodic performance evaluation of tenured faculty and endowed chairs; evaluation of academic administrators.

972-883-4391 | AD 2.234 |

Sean Cotter

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

PhD, University of Michigan, 2004

I can help with: Faculty workload, annual reviews and appraisals, non-tenure system promotion, Teaching Relief Program.

AD 2.104 |

Devante Lampkin

Faculty Affairs Coordinator

MS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2020

I can help with: Annual reviews of faculty; promotion, reappointment and tenure; periodic performance evaluation; review and promotion of nontenure-system faculty; evaluation of academic administrators.

972-883-4021 | AD 2.234 |

Budget and Finance Team

Nicole Harrington

Assistant Provost for Academic Resources Planning

MPA, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2017

I can help with: Oversight for budget, finance, and human resources function for Academic Schools and Academic Affairs Units.

972-883-2053 | AD 2.108

Alejandro “Alex” Lazos

Assistant Director of Academic Data Services

BS, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2016

I can help with: Faculty appointment letters, ad-hoc reporting, faculty and budget data analysis.

972-883-3819 | AD 2.230

Michelle Armstrong

Business Manager for Academic Resource Planning

BA, Southern Methodist University, 2007

I can help with: Budget, finance, scholarship processing and human resource functions for academic schools and Academic Affairs units.

972-883-4009 | AD 2.234

Erica Robinson

Business Administrator for Academic Budget and Finance

BFA, University of Georgia, 2012

I can help with: Scholarship processing and human resource functions for academic schools and Academic Affairs units.

972-883-2042 | AD 2.230

Farhana Haque

Finance Operations Coordinator

MS, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2023

I can help with: Account reconciliation, procurement support/tracking, journal/budget support.

972-883-4237 | AD 2.104